Main Sessions

Interview with Caitlin Flanagan, writer and social critic

Interview with Dr. Thomas J. Smith, medical oncologist, palliative care expert, and metastatic cancer survivor about metastatic survivorship

Hear from Isabella de la Houssaye and Angela “Jersi” Baker, two Stage IV cancer survivors who are channeling their experiences into helping others 

Hear from a panel of NCCS advocates and learn more about advocacy opportunities.

Doris Cardwell
Bradley Glassel
Lisa Rice
Kimberly Richardson
Allison Rosen

Breakout Sessions

SPEAKER: Desiree Walker

If you’re new to advocacy or want to learn more about what you can do to improve cancer care, this session is right for you!

SPEAKERS: Shelley Fuld NassoElizabeth Goss, JD & Lindsay Houff 

NCCS’ policy team will provide an update on what’s going on in DC regarding cancer policy.

SPEAKERS: Richard Gelb & Lynne Zaklin

Learn about navigating the complexities of cancer care from the patient perspective. 

Main Session

A panel of experts will discuss where they see cancer care going in this new decade. 

Ana María López, MD, MPH 
Otis Brawley, MD
Derek Raghavan, MD, PhDDeborah Schrag, MD, MPH

Breakout Sessions

SPEAKER: Susan Hedlund, MSW, LCSW
OHSU Knight Cancer Institute

A talk about coping with stress and anxiety caused by a cancer diagnosis.

SPEAKER: Rachel Becker, LMSW
Cancer and Careers

Rachel will host a discussion about the intersection of life, work and cancer.

SPEAKER: Kelly Shanahan, MD & Shelley Fuld Nasso

People with metastatic cancer are often excluded from survivorship care. We want to hear from people living with Stage IV cancer what survivorship programs and services you need, to inform NCCS’ advocacy efforts.

Main Session

Learn how a diverse oncology workforce contributes to better cancer care.

David ScottRoswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

Breakout Sessions

SPEAKER: Robin Yabroff, PhD
American Cancer Society

Hear about how cancer care is paid for and what reforms are needed to improve care for patients.

Edge Research

Hear about how cancer care is paid for and what reforms are needed to improve care for patients.

SPEAKER: Kristen McNiff, MPH
KM Healthcare Consulting

Hear about how cancer care is paid for and what reforms are needed to improve care for patients.

Main Session

Shelley Fuld Nasso, CEO, NCCS
Lindsay Houff, Senior Policy Manager, NCCS

Ethan VanNess, Majority Staff, Government Oversight Committee, U.S. House of Representatives

Breakout Sessions

SPEAKER: Margot Friedman, JD
Dupont Circle Communications

Telling your cancer story is a key part of advocacy. Margot will share her expertise at how to share your story succinctly and successfully.

SPEAKER: Zack Marshall
Prime Policy Group

In one of our favorite sessions each year, hear from former Hill staffer and policy expert, Zack Marshall, and practice your Hill meeting skills live!

SPEAKER: Randy BroadWoody BrokenburrBradley Glassel

This discussion, led by NCCS advocates, and will discuss strategies to get more male advocates involved in cancer advocacy.